Casino Roulette Tricks Tips

Tips for Playing Lightning Roulette. Even if Lightning Roulette presents a thrilling opportunity to earn rewarding multipliers, don’t consider it a regular income earner. Instead of blindly chasing a strategy, you should follow tips that apply to almost every casino game. Stay keen on common and petty pitfalls. The majority of articles that discuss casino roulette tips and tricks are written by people with no genuine experience of winning at roulette. Typically their sole purpose is to drive traffic to online casinos, without regard for the accuracy of the advice. Those articles wont quite teach you how to win big at roulette.

Rouletteis believed to be a game of chance as it is more a game of gambling than a gamewhich is based on rules. There is no sure way of winning it. However, you canenhance your chances of victory by putting into practice some tricks whileplaying it.

Casino Roulette Tricks Tips

At times,you may come across some guarantees that seem to be tempting but areunrealistic. It is important to resist the temptation and play the game wisely.This will help you avoid unnecessary risks, and cut down your losses.

It is imperative to avoid such prospects. Also, it is important that you have a strategy in mind and put it in place at the time of playing the game. Whether you are a beginner or a pro at roulette, the following roulette tricks in Casino will help you chalk up a resounding win.

1. “Haste makes waste”

This isthe basic principle of playing the game of roulette. Once you find the righttable for your game, observe how the wheel spins. Take a look at a couple ofrounds. This will help you in making an informed decision at the time ofplacing your bet.

Gellingwith the players on the table would be equally important. When at a brick andmortar casino, take the atmosphere around it into consideration. Avoid playingthe game on the table where people are unfriendly, and wherein you find peopleunder the influence of alcohol. Also, be careful about placing your bet on thetable wherein too many bets are being placed by players.

Takeprecautions from your end to make sure you are not playing the game of rouletteat a table where the game is being rigged. Most of the times, the game isrigged so as to favour a particular individual. On your part, ensure that thisis not the case.

If you wish to employ roulette tricks in casino on the internet, do check if a casino website has the seal of a recognized gaming authority. This is a virtual certificate of authenticity.

2. American vs. European roulettewheels: know the differences

Americanand European roulette wheels are the two main variants on roulette wheels usedin the game of casino worldwide. Both look the same in terms of structure.However, there is a difference when it comes to numbering. There is an additionalgreen “00” spot among the markings of the wheel in the case of the Americanroulette wheel.

Your manner of trying out roulette tricks in casino would depend a lot on your understanding of the type of roulette wheel on which you are putting your bet.

Despitethe same payout, there is a marked difference in the chances of winning withregard to both the kinds of wheels. In the case of European wheels, the odds are 1 in 37,whereas it is 1 in 38 in the case of American roulette wheels. Goingby these figures, it is a wise decision to put your money on the former thanthe latter.

3. Do your math before placingyour bet

What amount of money should you put on each bet? This is a million-dollar question which newbies, as well as experienced players, ask themselves. This would depend on your bankroll and chances of your survival to a large extent.

Onaverage, the wheel spins about 40 times in an hour. Depending on the amount ofmoney you are ready to put and the length of time you are willing to spend inrolling the wheel, you need to do your math. If you are willing to play thegame for one hour, you need to make sure you survive until that time. Becausethere is no hard and fast rule concerning the game, you will feel the need togo with your instincts.

Work outthe probability of your chances beforehand. Divide the pocket on which you wishto place a bet by the total number of pockets on a wheel. This will give you arough idea of what you can expect or what is more likely to happen. You canarrive at your decision accordingly.

As amatter of fact, the best practice to ensure maximum gains with minimum chancesof suffering a loss is to be realistic with your expectations. By adhering tothis fundamental rule, you can put your bet accordingly. The idea should be to surviveuntil the last spin with whatever money you are willing to spend. Placing moreof small bets is a better idea than placing a larger one and losing all yourmoney at once.

Theprobability of winning is more when you combine two number rather than puttingyour money on a single number.

4. Choose the right bettingstrategy

While itis true that there is no cardinal rule for placing your bet in a casino game,there are some effective strategies that you can employ. Using these strategieswill significantly improve your chances of doing well.

There are three distinct strategies that you can follow: the Martingale Strategy, the Grand Martingale strategy and the James Bond strategy. These are arguably the best roulette tricks in casino.

The GrandMartingale strategy encourages players to put two times the money on a losingbet. That is to say, this strategy advocates the idea of repeating a losing betwith twice the sum of money which you had put previously.

Casino Roulette Tricks TipsCasino Roulette Tricks Tips

The GrandMartingale strategy is an extension of the Martingale strategy but with aslight difference. For a change, it is all about putting an additional amountof money on the last bet to 2x the sum of money you had previously put on it.

Casino Roulette Tricks Tips For Beginners

The JamesBond roulette strategy revolves around the idea of putting a fixed amount ofmoney on a series of boxes. For instance, if you are playing on the Europeanroulette wheel, you should place €10 on the zero, €140 on the box rangingbetween 19 and 36 and €50 on the box ranging between 13 and 18.

Chooseyour strategy wisely, depending on the amount of money and the duration of timeyou wish to put on a roulette session. Your best bet to enhance your chances ofwinning is to take the amount of money and the duration of time at yourdisposal into consideration.

Casino Roulette Tips And Tricks


Casino Roulette Tricks Tips To Play

Final thoughts

Casino Roulette Strategy Tips

Roulette casino is a game of uncertainties. You never know when a simple trick would work wonders, and a tried and even the tried and tested roulette tricks in casino would land you into losses. Employ the aforementioned strategies to minimize your chances of losing and maximize the possibility of making a profit on each bet.